Fees for the school year 2025/2026
The CIS 2025/26 Academic Fee covers everything; there are no hidden extra costs
Student age (as of August 31st) |
CIS Year group* | Euros per year | Euros per month (10 equal installments) |
After Discount** |
6-10 years |
Years 2-6 | 16 300 € | 1 630 € | 15 975 € |
11-13 years | Years 7-9 | 17 500 € | 1 750 € | 17 150 € |
14-15 years | Years 10-11 |
18 500 € | 1 850 € | 18 130 € |
16-17 years | Years 12-13 |
19 900 € | 1 990 € | 19 500 € |
18 years | Year 14 | 2 800 € | 280 € | 2 745 € |
The above Academic Fees for 2025-2026 include:
- Tuition
- Textbooks and all learning materials (workbooks, stationery, educational equipment, student ID, etc.)
- Cambridge International Exam fees: IGCSE and AS/A Level Examination Fees (Y10-13)
- School Meals: School lunch, snacks during school day and school events and trips
- Družina and Clubs provided by the School (lunchtime and after-school)
- Day trips (Y2-13) , Residential trips (Y2-Y12), Ski Trip (Y8)
- Language Trips abroad (Y10)
- School Competition Participations (Including accommodation and travel)
- Graduation Ceremony and Stužková event (Y13)
- Parent tickets to student performances
- Yearbook (1 per student) and Electronic copy of student Yearbook photo
- Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Participant Registration
The following costs are not covered by Academic Fee
- Individual music lessons
- Young Voices Trip to London
- Cambridge post-exam services and examination entry for non CIS curriculum exams e.g. additional languages
- Registration and Assessment Fee of €350 (due on the date of admissions testing)
- School Enrolment Fee upon Acceptance is €350 (for more details contact our Admissions Manager).
Link for the Payment calendar here.
The school employs full-time specialist English as an Additional Language (EAL) teachers and Special Educational Needs (SEN) teachers as well as a School Counsellor and University Guidance Officers (UGO). Additional English support, learning support, emotional counselling and university counselling services are provided free of charge.
If you are interested in placement for the remainder of Academic Year 2022/2023, please contact our Admissions Manager directly (+421 907 150 643, admissions@cambridgeschool.eu).
Early Payment Discount
If payment is made in full for the year by 31st May of the current school year, a 2% discount is available.
Year 14
Students are welcome to return to school for Year 14 to complete their Slovak Maturita and re-sit relevant A-level examinations or to pursue further courses as applicable. There is also a possibility to prepare online for the Slovak Maturita via distance learning. Entry to Year 14 is determined individually based on suitability for Year 14 in Cambridge International School and fees will be based on the student’s subject combination for the further year of study.
* Y2-6 (1.-5. grade), Y7-9 (6.-8. grade), Y10-11 (9.-10. grade), Y12-13 (11.-12. grade), Y14 (Maturita).