Lucia Rieger
Playground Assistant Coordinator
Lucia graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Comenius University in Bratislava. Her first job as an external kindergarten teacher of English language led her to a head teacher job in an international kindergarten.
As she was craving professional growth, she chose a career in finance where she developed her organisational skills and complex financial literacy. After a career break, she worked in a security industry. Thanks to the career diversity, she realised she needs creative and dynamic environment. She excitedly cultivates friendly environment and likes to make people smile with home-baked goods. She looks at the world as an opportunity and is convinced that you can do anything you set your mind to.
She believes motivation is short-termed and discipline is necessary to achieve long-term results. She loves traveling and camping with her partner and her dog, painting, ice swimming, reading books, cooking, playing airsoft and going to the theatre.