Judita Senholt
Y2 Assistant Teacher
Judita studied English Language and Art at Trnavská Univerzita - Faculty of Education. Alongside her studies, she worked at a primary school teaching religion. Later, she changed her academic focus and moved to Denmark, where she graduated from Australian Alphacrucis University College with a degree in Applied Social Science through a partnership program with Danish Pentecostal Bible College.
As part of her practicum, she counselled girls and women of different cultures. She spent five years in Denmark, where she also met her husband. After completing her studies, they moved to Slovakia. Before she came to CIS, she taught English at a language school. Furthermore, she has seven years of experience leading a teenage group from her church where she planned activities, organized camps, taught, mentored, and held different practical responsibilities. She is excited to invest in the children at CIS and help them lay a good academic and personal foundation.
In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, playing the piano, reading books and spending time with her family and friends.