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Kristína Bilkovičová

Kristína Bilkovičová

HR Generalist

Kristína had decided for philology and thus she studied translation and interpretation in combination with the Slovak language and literature at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. She discovered her passion for the English language while studying at a grammar school. Therefore, after completing it, she temporarily moved to England, where she worked as an au pair. She returned to England during the summer months while studying at the university. Her professional career has always been connected to the world of education. She first worked as a consultant for university studies abroad. Later, she helped people start their career in IT in an international company, where she worked as a customer service/student service specialist as well as in the field of HR administration and back office, where, among other things, she took on the role of contracts administrator across locations and also covered the agenda related to the use of funds from national projects under the auspices of ÚPSVR. Thanks to her previous work experience, she has been able to thrive in the field of communication and working with people and at the same time to acquire new knowledge and overcome various administrative challenges. These challenges serve as her driving force, helping her progress forward. In her free time, she enjoys sports, spending time with family in nature, and exploring new places.