Come to visit a truly international school with a curriculum from the University of Cambridge specially adapted with an individual approach to each child.

Enquiry form

Open Morning, March 15th

Cambridge International School is hosting an Open Morning on March 15th from 10:00 to 12:00 (last tour starts at 11.30)

This event is an excellent opportunity for prospective students and their families to experience the School's culture, facilities and to learn about our curriculum and admission process.

Visitors can expect to:

  • tour our school and our modern facilities with our student guides (last tour starting at 11.30)
  • meet our teaching staff and Leadership Team
  • attend different subject showcase lessons and interactive workshops
  • enjoy our students rehearsing for the Secondary Spring concert

The Open Day is also a great opportunity to learn more about the Admissions process and available places in our school.

If you are interested in attending our Open Morning, please complete the simple registration form below:

Parent / Contact
I acknowledge that Cambridge International School in the position of controller pursuant to Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on personal data protection and on amendment and supplementing of some acts, as amended (here in after referred to as Personal Data Protection Act) processes in line with Section 13 (1) letter b) of Personal Data Protection Act personal data of the student and its legal representative provided in connection with this Admission Enquiry Form. Information according to Section 19 of the Personal Data Protection Act with the information about the rights stemming from the Personal Data Protection Act is included in Annex No. 1of this Admission Enquiry Form.
Open Morning, March 15th
Open Morning, March 15th
Open Morning, March 15th